Find a large canvas or piece of art that needs a makeover. I used this faded mass produced piece that I got from Spotlight on clearance many moons ago. But you could easily find something at the op shop. I liked that this one had the wooden frame already built in and is nice and firm - it’s solid board opposed to canvas but both would work.

You’ll need some kind of plaster. We had this Selleys product which is used for filling small holes in walls which worked perfectly. All you need to do is apply it liberally to your canvas, warming it up as you go and layering. This is the fun part! Get creative, add more texture, create lumps and bumps and imperfections as you go. Just play around until you get the texture you’re after. You could go smoother than I did, or you could create shapes and patterns. Leave to dry - I left mine overnight to really set.

Next up paint your creation! I wanted a moody two toned look so used a neautral test pot I had on hand for the top. This is Natural Paint Co ‘Egyptian Cotton’. For the bottom I used leftover paint from our bedroom which is the colour ‘Nocturnal’. I applied these with a sponge to help smoosh the paint into all of the crevices. This was also to play around with the colours melding together when I got to the join line.

If you have tape around the edges peel it off. You may need to use a sharp knife to cut where the plaster has sealed it shut. And voila you have your own abstract art creation to hang proudly on your wall. Have fun! ~ Candace