I’ve had these wire baskets for years, and I honestly couldn’t tell you how they ended up in my home! I either got them at the op shop or was given them, but either way they never really suited my style or my home. One had a very sad looking plant in it, and one was stashed in a cupboard holding wrapping paper.

So when I was at Uncle Bills with the girls over school holidays grabbing craft supplies and saw this rope I had a bit of a lightbulb moment and decided to try covering them. I grabbed a two packs of this rope, which came in 15 metre lengths thinking that would be plenty… it wasn’t. Trust me you need way more than you think. I went back twice for more and used nearly 5 packs in total.

Apart from that all you need is a hot glue gun. A little helper was nice but not necessary to the process. I glued the whole bottom to start, then glued sporadically as I went to stop the rope from slipping.

You could easily do this with any number of vases/pots/planters/vessels around your home. I loved these ones because of their fun shape so look for something at the second-hand shop that is a little unusual or quirky. Play around with how much you cover too, this one I did 3/4 of the way up and quite like the balance of having the old wire peeking out at the top. Play around and have fun, this really is the easiest DIY!